Hi, I amShaan Alam 👋
I Code & Design Things!
I am an accomplished Full Stack developer, well-versed inMERN Stack. I'm a dynamic and skilled full stack developer with a passion for creating robust and innovative web applications. With a solid foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies, I possesses the expertise to craft seamless user experiences and efficient server-side functionalities
Some of my writings
Check out some of my most popular blogs...

How to learn React - The Effective way
What is React? React is a free and Open Source Front End JavaScript Library for building...

How to implement Google Authentication in your React Applications!!
Intro Hey ya folks! Have you ever wondered how to implement Google Authentication in your...

How I built my second brain using Next.JS
Okay! Before you declare me crazy and ask “How the hell can anyone build a second braing using...