My Articles
Welcome to my blogs! Here, I post what I learn about tech to enrich and expand my knowledge horizon.

Why you should always add type safety to your environment variables?
A little background If you have been coding for a while, you know the importance of...

Building doxshare[0]: The beginning
Greetings fellow programmers, It's been an amazing journey since I started this project called...

Introducing Zettel: A Markdown based note taking application for developers.
What is Zettel? 😍 This is a good starting point to introduce Zettel. So, zettel is...

Understanding JavaScript Closures!
You might've heard about closures in JavaScript, but you don't actually know what it is or why it is...

🖊 I am building a pastebin alternative!
Hi. I wanted to learn T3 stack as it is trend right now. So what better way is there to learn a...

Optimizing User Experience with useDebounce() Hook
Optimizing User experience is one of the key elements in Web Development. One aspect of improving the...

A brief intro about loaders in react router
Hi. In the ever-evolving field of web-development, user experience is the top priority. As our web...

How I built my second brain using Next.JS
Okay! Before you declare me crazy and ask “How the hell can anyone build a second braing using...

Build a NextJS Blog with MDX and Tailwind.
Hello programmers, Do you want start your blog where you educate others, or may be you want a blog...

How to implement Google Authentication in your React Applications!!
Intro Hey ya folks! Have you ever wondered how to implement Google Authentication in your...

How to learn React - The Effective way
What is React? React is a free and Open Source Front End JavaScript Library for building...

Introduction to TypeScript 👩💻
Hello guys, you might have probably heard the popular name "TypeScript" if you are into Web...

How to create a Custom Drag & Drop Hook in React!🔥
Hello guys!! Recently, while working on a project, I came accross a situation where I needed to...

I Recreated my VSCode Theme 🔥
Hi guys! So, couple of months back I wrote a blog "I created a VSCode theme" describing about the VS...

Create awesome Page Transitions in NextJS using Framer motion
I recently decided to re-design my portfolio in NextJs. So, I started researching around the web for...

I created a VS Code theme 🔥️
Hi everyone!! It's been too long since I wrote a post on, but hey, here I am back once again....

Setup your ReactJS + Tailwind CSS Project by creating a template 🔥
Hey, Shaan here! As we all know that tailwind CSS is gaining popularity nowadays, so I decided to giv...

Here's how I made a real-time chatbox in ReactJS and Firebase
Hello! I recently learned using Firebase with ReactJS and thought of implementing my knowledge by c...